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wine rack free plans: how to make a
Wine Rack
Basic Description Since most wine gets better with age, wine enthusiasts need a method to store their bottles. Below you will find a free plan for a remarkably simple wall-mounted bottle storage rack that attractively displays your collection. We describe several layouts to maximize the use of available wall space. The design employs efficient use of materials; you won't believe that you can securely hold so many bottles with so little wood.

step:           4          

With the pattern cut, lets drill the holes. We used a 1 1/2" diameter drill bit (38mm). You can use a smaller or larger bit, but test it out in some scrap wood before proceeding. Make sure you back up the piece that you are cutting through with some scrap wood so you don't get any tearout where the bit exits your wood.
At this point, you can provide an edge detail if you like. We added a simple roundover with a roundover bit in a table router. Do not make a detail on the mounting face of the wine rack because this will compromise stability. Also, we recommend that you do not remove a significant amount of material on the inside surfaces of the holes - doing so will diminish their effectiveness. We simply knocked off the corners of the holes with sandpaper.

◄ step 3   —   step 5►

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